Gunmakers Fair at kempton
At the Kempton Community Center in Kempton, PA

Custom Melchior Fordney
Muzzleloader Raffle
TO Benefit the Gunmakers Fair at Kempton
Here is your chance to win a gorgeous custom-built Lancaster Fowler that won Best of Class for Apprentice at the inaugural Gunmakers Fair at Kempton in 2022
1. 20 gauge PA fowler barrel
2. Hand filed brass trigger guard
and nose cap
3. Jim Chambers late Ketland lock
4. Lightly figured maple stock from
Jim Dunlap
5. Highly detailed incised and relief
6. Sterling silver thumb piece
This fowler was built by Brett Davis and includes the following:
TICKETS can be puchased through the mail from:
Jacobsburg Historical Society
Attn: Gunmakers Fair at Kempton
P.O. Box 345, Nazareth, PA 18064
Donation is $5.00 ea.
or 5 for $20.00
Send checks made payable to the Jacobsburg Historical Society with a self-addressed, stamped envelope so we can mail your stubs to you. All requests MUST include a phone number so we can call you if you are the lucky winner.
It will be raffled off to one lucky winner on the last day of The Gunmakers Fair at Kempton, July 28th, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
Must be 18 years of age – Need not be present to win
Jacobsburg Historical Society SGOC License # 23-00056